Al-Anon. The literature is outstanding.
The meetings & felowship even more so.
Though it may take quite a while to see that.
What is written below hasn’t anything to do with
anyone but you (and all others like you).
Not the addict or alcoholic.
I (we) can’t control them.
We can only learn to temper ourselves.
Drug addiction has differences from alcoholism. But the reactions of others — in the main — are the same. It’s a barrier we didn’t ask for any more than the drink took the drunk. There’s a honesty involved you already know the outlines. My reaction, and not their actions (is now the problem).
Depending on where one lives, AA may be more accessible and longer established than NA. IMO, for this purpose I’d avoid any groups of AA or NA which are institution-associated. As noted above, it’s prison (not jail time) or death which prompts the user/abuser. Those at the bottom of society’s ladder don’t fare well. Those at the very top share with them that consequences aren’t real. It’s for those in the middle who value life on life’s terms.
The door isn’t shut to anyone. We will know this when we are moved to
ask a group member for their sponsorship. Their experience, strength & hope. As was given you, freely give.
Those in recovery so motivated to start their own fully independent AA/Al-Anon, etc, groups are the gold standard for your actions. Allow me that you don’t want the massive ski lodge “group” with courts sending malefactors to “attend” meetings. You want the climbers hut far up the slope. Size isn’t relative. Principles, not personalities, is the guide.
Men afflicted cannot face losing career. They’ll get off the down elevator. Women, family. Punch the button. Past this things get harder as those social ties aren’t easily broken. Once they are, things become bewildering. For everyone. Expect the unexpected.
Attend to your own condition via the above. My advice is worth what you’ve paid, but, . . you can safely lay every dollar you have on the approach. Ronnie Raygun was Prez when I got started.
Success is learning to live life on a spiritual basis.
(Yes, I mean “you”; that you that is anyone with these lead-filled shoes).
The addict & alcoholic have their own path. Should it someday lead to your front door (reconciliation), please trust me that the way is now so overgrown with bramble that Rin Tin Tin himself couldn’t get through.
(It’s not the wood in the other man’s eye, . . . . )
Tools for living with 85-years of success.
Al-Anon World Services.
It’s long-term or nothing, friend. You’ll be shown tools and
how to use them. They’ll take shape as scythe and sickle.
You’ll again be the boy learning mastery of such.
But they are of a composition not found in a smithy.
You’ll also learn that most give up before halfway through.
Addict & Famiy have equal burden. Time to ruck.
That (only then, tools readied) shall the truth set us free.
Not for nothing did you pose the question here. (Not for nothing did I just three hours ago reflect on the love I received thus by two who have passed)
Not for nothing you bought all those microphones
Assume that the switch is faulty, sure, and
the assembly poor. But IT IS one of them will someday
bust the pile-up as you speak aloud the words the Angels
sealed at your birth.
This is the Lords Day.
Rejoice, and be glad in it.