I finally got around to unpacking the extra Heath kit oil filled dummy load.
Of course I emptied it before I packed it so now off to the local drug store I go to get a gallon of mineral oil.
The price is $8.99 a quart.
With me being so cheap I thought well let's look for an alternate source of coolant.
So the question is Are there any other types of coolant fluids that will work in an oil filled dummy load besides mineral oil? and of course is not as expensive as mineral oil.
Of course I emptied it before I packed it so now off to the local drug store I go to get a gallon of mineral oil.
The price is $8.99 a quart.
With me being so cheap I thought well let's look for an alternate source of coolant.
So the question is Are there any other types of coolant fluids that will work in an oil filled dummy load besides mineral oil? and of course is not as expensive as mineral oil.