Dx was good today....very strong propagation from Europe, canada, south and Central America. Eastern Europe was not as strong! No Russia or Mid East/Africa
But if anyone wanted to work 20-30 + European stations it could have been done!
The clusters showed about the same, propagation looks to be stronger in a north to south and west pattern. At least that is my observation.
Here ya could have worked the majority of South America, I missed a couple calls from Suriname! That would a new one..but easy copy on .brazil,chile Argentinia,panama,Uruguay, Paraguay French Guiana, all at 5/5-9 most of the day
Did add a new division being a short Qso with Max 218 div. activation
Also talked with member 9wr2000 for short! Always cool to hear a wr member on he band.
Ok anyone else?? Philpoh? Dxman?
And a question? Anyone hear of an activation in the pacific? Kingman Reef? Or know where to find info...was told it is active today or to be active very soon.
Good dx
But if anyone wanted to work 20-30 + European stations it could have been done!
The clusters showed about the same, propagation looks to be stronger in a north to south and west pattern. At least that is my observation.
Here ya could have worked the majority of South America, I missed a couple calls from Suriname! That would a new one..but easy copy on .brazil,chile Argentinia,panama,Uruguay, Paraguay French Guiana, all at 5/5-9 most of the day
Did add a new division being a short Qso with Max 218 div. activation
Also talked with member 9wr2000 for short! Always cool to hear a wr member on he band.
Ok anyone else?? Philpoh? Dxman?
And a question? Anyone hear of an activation in the pacific? Kingman Reef? Or know where to find info...was told it is active today or to be active very soon.
Good dx