well.....thing went crazy about 500pm cst here in south texas. all at once the band opened up, wide open!! europe, central/south america, south pacific all at the same time being heard. lasted about 2hrs then europe faded but everyone else stayed strong untill 830pm cst.
heard my first papua new guinea 101 call....as well as moroco 76...west sahara 300 and 131 guyana was not able to get the contacts but signals were strong ....{Cry_river}maybe today
talked with a couple australian stations for an hour as the dx slowed, great contact was the station Terry 43ED066 he is a regular here in south texas....
Dave 43AU001 has a great website with south pacific cold call freqencys listed with email contact list so you can schedule QSO's with the station or country you wish to contact. alpha uniform swl dx radio club check it out the list of cold calling feq's was a great help
divisions i was hearing or contacted inside a couple hours....was amazing
heading to the radio now to ck out todays dx.....