Generals, myself included, should be reminded that the low range of access is 3.800 LSB....
This means using LSB that you must be UP from 3.800 at least half the bandwidth you are running for transmit.
Half the bandwidth ?
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Generals, myself included, should be reminded that the low range of access is 3.800 LSB....
This means using LSB that you must be UP from 3.800 at least half the bandwidth you are running for transmit.
Half the bandwidth ?
To be honest fellas, I don't even know what a DX Cluster is, I'm still new at this HF thing, but I have already witnessed what you speak of a couple of times.
Here is an example of a typical DX Cluster site. You can log in and enter the callsign of a station you heard or worked and list the frequency and a few other comments about the station such as "Working JA's only" or whatever.I like this one because you can click on the red callsigns and it will link directly to the callsign database.
Hmmmm didn't link as I planned. Just click on a band or click on "ALL" in the laft hand frame to see listings.
Ham Radio Deluxe - DX Cluster Analysis
Where in Jersey are you.....North or South.....?
BTW...SR395...those of us down here refer to that area of Jersey as North Jersey......
Yeah, good catch, the total bandwidth for SSB.
Running 2.6kHz, rounded off, about 3kHz on avg.
Running 1.8khz, rounded off about 2kHz etc.
So with LSB and lower band edge of 3.8, that winds up being 3.803 or 3.802
If it were an upper band edge with USB, the same applies in the inverse, you need to be below the upper band edge by the same amount.
And I was half asleep.
BTW, nobody transmits ssb with 1.8 bandwidth for very long.
Well, they might, but nobody wants to talk TO them ;-)
Southern New Jersey = controlled pine forest burning. If they burn the pines on purpose nearbah y'all might just be from South New Jersey.
There's no need to do controlled burns in the Pinelands anymore, the Air National Guard takes care of that for us.....:blink:
They branched out from bombing schools?