sorry about not posting the link i mentioned. it was just a schematic of the Galaxy 2517 MOSFET version, which if compared to the schematic of the DX959 mosfet version, shows the parts that need to be added.
the reason there is not a "step by step" instruction set out there is the same reason you dont find kits like this sold on ebay, but you do see lots of 959's for sale that are modded for dual mosfet finals.
its because each radio is different, and after the parts are changed out, the radio needs to be tuned so that the two finals "add together" instead of just acting like one of them isnt there.
thats not something that you could just include in the instructions of a kit.
it takes actual knowledge of the insides of a radio to do this. its not like a swing mod on a 29LTD that any idiot can do.
there used to be kits for this available on ebay years back, the the guys selling them were getting lots of complaints because the people buying them couldnt make them work.
i fully realize what you guys are looking for, and i dont think i can make it much simpler than providing the info i already have in this thread.
good luck in your searches,
i hope you both are able to make this mod work,