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Sitting at my desk this morning and around 9:26 am our building started shaking. It was from a 5.0 earthquake in Snyder, TX We have been having more and more of these out here. Take a look at one day's worth and you'll understand. Now imagine every day of the year... Select the pic to enlarge

Did you feel that, @undertaker ??

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My niece in San Angelo emailed me about the quakes. Freaked out my sister, also in SA. So now the quakes to compete with the tornado's...nice
We were living in Laguna Beach California when the 1994 Northridge quake hit. A mag 6.7 shaker on Jan 17th. Epicenter about 70 miles from us. We had our own homemade earthquake detector in our bedroom. A small pendant on a chain hung over the mirror on our dresser. At about 4 in the morning , I was snapped awake by the "ting-ting-ting" of the pendent against the mirror. I shook Luz awake and said'"Earthquake - come on." Things began shaking so bad that we couldn't stand up. We crawled to the garage. I had installed plywood shear panels on all the garage walls after the last minor quake and I hoped it would hold up. They say it only lasted 30-40 seconds, but seemed like forever. When It finally stopped , we went outside. Our house and our neighbors' on either side were ok. But the homes across the street and up and down the block were rubble. Damage everywhere. Looked like a war zone. We decided then and there we were done with California. We waited until home prices had recovered a bit, sold out, and split for Georgia.

Believe me, you don't want to go through something like that.

- J.J. 399
Yeah, the quakes in Cali mean serious business!! Between the quakes, the fires, etc, etc... It's not an enticing place to live, even as beautiful as it is...

I just never thought WE would be living with daily earthquakes!
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There seems to be an uptick in quakes where fracking takes place, and even in areas where quakes are not generally known to happen.

Fresno was an experience for my wife and I in 1983. We just stayed overnight on our way up to Sequoia park to look at the redwoods. First was the intense fog we woke up, and second was an earthquake while we were at breakfast in Burger King later that day. Everyone in the BK just sat and finished their meals as if nothing was happening. We sat their as well trying to act like the locals, but it shook us up...literally.
First was the intense fog we woke up,
Tule Fog.
The central valley is famous for that stuff, it has declined a bit over the last couple decades but still there are times visibility can drop to less than 10 feet, especially on the west side of the valley.
Used to stop and shut the engine off, roll the windows down and listen for cross traffic at intersections.

If it starts getting too bad, you may find me up there! Or somewhere other than here. They've been having earthquakes in Oklahoma as well, and anywhere they're fracking. The Dakotas too.

This is what happens when you poke the bear. Ol'e mother earth starts shaking you off, like a bunch of fleas.
Yes I live in SE Oklahoma and we've had earthquakes or so Im told, I can't honestly say I've felt one. But the ammunition plant in McAllister shakes the house sometimes when they are disposing of bombs.

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