Really really old. But if you already had the board for it, and wanted to assemble it, you can use the HG Semi MRF454 transistors. If you want to build a 2SC2879 based amp, start with a design that was meant for the 2SC2879, as turns ratios on the transformers and all tuning circuit capacitor values are likely to be way different, and bias current too. Nothing wrong with either Transistor, if you aren't looking to find the breaking point of transistors by driving the dog-doo out of them, then nothing wrong with the daily operation of a 2 x MRF454 amplifier, especially with proper biasing. I haven't used the HG MRF454 yet, but have heard they are great. I HAVE used the HG MRF 455 in one of my small amplifiers, was skeptical, but after probably 100 hours of use, still working perfectly, they were a drop in replacement. Some recommend a little bias current change (lower than original MRF454/455), but my amplifier was already biased pretty low, so it worked out fine.