IM not looking for controversey here , just a few opinions ? I personally run a TRB-1 Echo board , IM no expert but I have also ran the Astatic Board as well , I personally found that the TRB-1 was a better board ,keeping in mind that I personally only look for a touch of echo/reverb for my audio out ...The TRB-1 is really a fantastic board with all that it can do as far as making all kinds of noise (which I personally don't need) but the quality is there . The Asatic boards just don't seem to tune up for that touch IM looking for ...they seem kind of cut and dry for what they are and you can only get so much out of them (kind of like the 452 mic's). Is there any other boards out there that can give that good touch of reverb/echo other then the Astatic's boards that are reasonabley priced ? (I find the mark up on these boards totally out ragious !!) thanks