Your tech is right they are not a Lincoln or HR2510 but they are really good radio's. They where produced specifically to meet a price point and to replace the HR2510 and Lincoln for Cooper Electronics...... Amateurs where being jerks about that particular radio why I have no clue since the RCI2950 was a bigger problem. I think it was one of those bigotry things. They saw it as a threat to their little world in the hands of the CB'ers because of the companies selling them to CB'ers at that time the only game in town for RCI-2950's was HRO and then went for just under $500. Now you have a 10,11,12 meter continuous coverage, dual VFO, for under $300 so the Amateurs chose the wrong battle to fight and win!LOL
Seriously recapping that thing makes good sense it is what 20 years old???? DO tell us what your tech finds. I am betting voltage regulator myself.
Did that unit have low level am modulation like the HR line and Lincoln???? If so have your tech install SP1-a Speech Processor it will work perfectly on AM and SSB. Just do not let him install anything like those CB like things being touted as modulators/speech compressor. THe SP1-a was designed for the AR3300 and AR3500 units.