A short update.
I haven't been able to spend a lot of time on the air the past week due to work demands, but what openings on 20 to Europe there have been have turned up some interesting results.
The feedpoint of the j-pole is about two feet off the ground, with the radiating half wave still where it was, above the roof and in the clear. Now this is just the dreaded anecdotal report, but in contacts with EI, 2I, ON, EA8, and M0 (some of which lasted as long as 20 minutes), I could tell very little difference on receive between the j-pole and a dipole at 35', situated to where Europe is off the ends of the dipole. Yet, on the distant station, the j-pole was consistenly 2 S units above the dipole, occasionally 3. On some other contacts to SA and the Caribbean, the j-pole was significantly better on both transmit and receive, on others there was no difference.
At times the J-pole had higher noise than the dipole, at other times it was just the opposite, so there goes the idea that a vertical is always noisier. I know from having the yagi up earlier that the intermittent power line noise I have is coming from the south, and that is always stronger on the horizontal antenna.
I'll keep playing as I have time and keep taking notes. What I expected was the j-pole to kill the dipole on DX contacts off the end of the dipole, and it does do that.