Icom IC 7000? It would be better than the 857d for your eyes although would be a little more expensive and covers VHF/UHF.
I would agree the IC-7000 is head and shoulders above the others mentioned. The fact it has VHF and UHF is a bonus and I can tell you you will be glad to have it when the situation arises that you need those bands and don't have access to your other rigs.
I own the FT-857D, it is a great radio, the IC-7000 is like one of those on Steroids! The receiver is better, the transmit functions are better an once you go through the manual and have it set up properly, you will love it.
the other rigs mentioned only cover the big three manufacturers, how about a K3? Ten Tec? How about a good used top of the line rig a few years old like a IC-756 PRO 3 or it's sibling the IC-746 Pro? Take it a step further back the FT-1000D FT-1000 MK 5, or the Field version. All work very well.
I own and use a FT-901DM it was the top of the line for Yaesu back in the late 70's and early 80's. The receiver is as good if not better than most of the current radios being sold new. The two closest rigs that come close and not even match it are the FTDX-5000, IC-756PRO3.
Check out Sherwood ratings. Only the K-3 and the Hilberling 8000 beat it by more than a few dB in receive noise floor ratings. After over 30 years it hold its own with the best out there. At a measure 138dB on HP equipment and Sherwood's measurement showing slightly less you can find a great working model for under $600.00.
There are BOAT ANCHORS in use today that will meet and can beat the current offerings! How many know that. Portability can be an issue, ok, how about a Cubic Astro? How about an FT-757 GX1or 2?
All these rigs work, it depends on what you want to spend, what features you will USE, not want and never use, but actually use should determine your choice.
Good luck and please remember there are a lot of rigs and until you have tried them don't reject them them out of hand or limit yourself to just the big three as choices.
I have had