I have always been somewhat of a geography nerd. I also have a passion for travelling whenever possible but sadly with getting married,building a new home,starting a family and changing careers,in that order, travel is something I have not been able to do nearly as much as I would have liked to.However,after two years of nagging the wife I have FINALLY convinced her to go to Jamaica next year.The big thing that won her over was when I said she had a choice,either she go to Jamaica with me in the spring of 2009 or I take the same amount of money and buy a QRO Technologies HF-2500DX Mk III amplifier.She has already purchased new luggage for the trip.
Any way,last night we were talking about it and she stressed the point that she knew NOTHING about travelling. The only travelling she ever did was after we met and that was confined to driving within Canada or the USA.I have been a bit luckier and we got to talking about my travels and I was wondering what extent you folks may have travelled.Ever been to some of the states/countries you have talked to on the air?Myself, I have been to all 10 provinces in Canada as well as 15 US states,(mostly northeast and northern tier), Jamaica, Cuba, Scotland, England, Spain, Morocco, the Spanish North African enclave of Ceuta, Algeria,Gibraltar and Senegal west Africa. (It's scary what a valid passport, a few dollars coupled with an exceptionally good deal along with a half crazy travel partner will lead too. I'm not saying which one of us was the half crazy travel partner either).
All of the overseas trips were done before I was married,no permanent job, and had lots of time and a bit of money stashed away. Now, I have a well paying job and a wife that makes more than I do,no free time, and just as much of a desire to travel but for some reason I just never get there.Oh well,Jamaica is only a year away.