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Experimentation of (CB)

We still have that going on up here. There is one guy that plays bluegrass music on a loop 24/7 for days to try and plug one operators recieve. It dont work just aggravates the rest of us.

I've been hearing bluegrass music broadcast for YEARS via skip in TX where I am - literally seems like the last 5 at least on the regular 40. I'm fairly sure the guy transmitting the music I'm talking about is broadcasting it on 4-6-8 channels at a time sometimes too, and it's not bleed over - it's simultaneous clear transmissions on multiple frequencies. Is this the guy you are talking about?
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Yes he is using what we call the world of sound. He transmits on several different channels at once. Its a real pain in the ass if your trying to hear a weak station.
Just run a radio on a cheap power supply with the filter caps disconnected.
Then put it in a apartment complex across the river from were he lived on a little indoor antenna.
It only did about 1 watt so It did not bother any one else but his rx.
When you tried to find it you had your choice of 30 different doors to knock on and no outdoor antenna.
It sat there humming away day and nite for days, he talked on channel 20 so that's were we..ah they put it.
It was really funny when one of the tennents called the cops on him because he was digging around in the bushes in the complex one night looking for a transmiter.
That's the story I heard anyway.

Well played!!!!!!!

Just run a radio on a cheap power supply with the filter caps disconnected.
Then put it in a apartment complex across the river from were he lived on a little indoor antenna.
It only did about 1 watt so It did not bother any one else but his rx.
When you tried to find it you had your choice of 30 different doors to knock on and no outdoor antenna.
It sat there humming away day and nite for days, he talked on channel 20 so that's were we..ah they put it.
It was really funny when one of the tennents called the cops on him because he was digging around in the bushes in the complex one night looking for a transmiter.
That's the story I heard anyway.


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