Just preparing some logistics before migrating my mobile rig indoors. Was wondering can I simply connect my powered Logitech PC speakers into the output of the radio?
Sorry if I come across as sound belittling or ungrateful to those that are actually taking their time to reply to my question. Sometimes words don't across as intended via written as they do when spoken.
Basically dont you think my question is being somewhat over analyzed? Just want to pull the pc speakers output jack and put it in the radios output speaker socket. PC speakers ( which are amplified/powered) are located on a desk a few feet away from where the radio will be located. They will be used soley as output for incoming audio. Cheers.
Its this speaker
It can work. You will have to put a mono plug on the speakers and tie the left and right channel together. The jack in the radio is not stereo. If you just plug it in only one side will work or it might not work at all.
It's not that it's mono it's that only ONE speaker will have any sound output. (There's a difference) Also the level out of a radio's external speaker jack is VERY MUCH HIGHER level than the typical line out level that those speakers were designed to plug into. You could end up with the radios volume just barely cracked open for decent volume and a slight bump of the volume control will blast you out if the room and quite possibly blow the amp in the powered speakers you want to use. You have been given good and valid info without any overevaluation. Use that info wisely.