Hi you may find this helpful http://www.worldwidedx.com/cb-antennas/113183-4nec2-antenna-simulation-tutorial-youtube.htmlSorry, its a little off topic,but how did you learn to use the software? I'm trying to model a 3/4 element moxon but can't yet figure it out. The Moxon site has a calculator but it doesn't do a 3/4 element.
thanks for the models .... interesting .
if all these antenna were at the same tip height how much difference would be expected ... if any ? is a vector or 5/8 at 49 ft to the tip any better or worse than a vertical dipole or 1/4wgp at 49 ft to the tip ?
iv'e , also read that height determines TOA , not the antenna wavelength .
what's the truth ..... what happens in the real world ?
ive heard thesame too bm. his modeling was on the same lenth of pipe which should favor the longer antenna. but if ya mount them so the tips are same i think the differences would be slim imho. no matter if its 1/4,1/2,58
Hotrod here are several Eznec5 overlay models I have with the tips at the same height.
View attachment 5259
Here is Booty Monster's idea for a 72' foot radiator modeled with Eznec 5 that is 5' feet above the ground with 1/4 wave horizontal radials. Looks like BM is really on to something here.
View attachment 5260
what is NTO? on the 72 footer did you tell it to add phazing coils?
wouldnt a 54 or 72 foot verticle be very flimsy and almost useless in any kinda wind?
what is NTO? on the 72 footer did you tell it to add phazing coils?
what are "phazing coils" on antennas ?
where are they located and what do they do ?