I am looking for a radio system that me and my family can use to communicate over about 25 mile radius of our house. I can't seem to find a definite answer on this, as some radios need custom programming and use repeaters for private company use. Can I use something like this? I want mobiles in both cars, and a base here at the house, and hand-helds for out of car use. Price isn't really the issue, its what I can use legally. I am a Ham but I don't want to make my wife get her license, she is not mechanically, nor electronically inclined at all. Also I don't want to clutter up the ham waves with talk of horrid diaper changes and what my wife did on her day out,
. Although I know with proper operating procedures its OK on the Ham bands, but no thanks. A radio system like this would beat the heck outta cell phones for me. When I worked for a lumber yard years ago, I tried to buy some (either 800MHz or 900MHz) Motorola business radios and wanted to get them reprogrammed for my use but the boss wouldn't let them go. Anyone got any ideas?
- Bill

- Bill