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FCC trouble? What ya'll think?

Ok ya'll I live in West Tennessee. I may be moving across town. I am told that there is around 2 HAM operators in that neighborhood. I'm very worried that I will bleed on them and get in trouble with the FCC. The house next to the place we are seriously looking at has a 70-60 foot tower. It has a beam on it...I have no clue what it's used for. I run a Galaxy 2517, Fatboy 2 pill (400 watts max), Astatic power desk mic, and Imax 2000. I'm very seriously thinking about getting a 3 element beam (that might make me bleed even more?) My family is already got enough to deal with...the last thing we need is the FCC at our front door.

Forget about cb get your ham license man.

Just read your last post. U can to talk on cb all you want just go qrp and watching the language transmitted.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
And maybe he can bring your radio back to specs, re-bias that amp for AB1, find ya a low pass filter and not say a word to what you are doing - to anyone. If done right; no one will notice your station because it won't causing interference. He might consider it a challenge to do it right, as I would. You can't stop people for using a radio; but you can help them to do it right. I think I would try to make friends with him first. You already have some things in common - radio. He already knows about your world; yet you know so little about his. Pardon me if I got you figured out wrong . . .
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Yep a99 and imax 2000

are good but splatterpoles. Yep,get your lic.Im a ham,and get on 11mtr am/ssb...like they said,watch your mod/and splatter.I have some around me that dont care,they ttold a few hams,turn me in...they run on 28am,and run dirty amps,maco,tnt...splater boxs.When you run 28am,you splater 28.380 what has nets alot.73 de JW
I'm very smart about CB's. Been talking on them since I was around 7. But no I have zero interest in HAM.

If you have no interest in "HAM" then why are you even concerned with your "HAM" neighbor?

If you get your license, general class, then you can legally use an amplifier on HF frequencies at your station, have more frequencies to use. Many different modes of operation than just AM,USB,LSB, and you would not ever have to worry about what this thread is about, F.C C. problems.

As long as you operate following the rules and regulations.

So apparently you DO have an interest in "HAM" as you are worrying about running your ILLEGAL 11 meter station and interfering with a licensed "HAM" operator.

Use the 11 meter legally, 4 watt on AM 12 watts on SSB, anything else is ILLEGAL and being that close to your neighbor you will most likely splatter him with that amplifier.

Not giving you a hard time just pointing out the facts. Which by the way you being a teenager it will be your parents that are responsible for any fines you will receive from the FCC.

better hope he dont run 10 or 20 mtrs and 6 mtrs...good luck is all i have to say,the amp is a $10,000 fine and the modded radio is also...73 de JW I myself dont think its worth it,when im on 11mtrs am/ssb just run a stock 148gtl to talk to locals.My Siltronix are 10mtr only.hehe...73 de JW
Young Man, These Operators are giving you some good advice. Choose wisely my Friend. As stated, FCC will Fine your Parents, And as talking bare foot with your CB radio, You will be surprise how far around town you can get out without bothering your next door Ham neighbor. Also as Robb has stated: Go introduce yourself to your next door neighbor.
Hope you make the right choice.
UPDATE ON THE SITUATION: Well here it is. We ARE NOT going to buy that house. We got a former house inspector we know to go look at the place. He crawled under the house and went in the attic.He said that house is built terrible. The blocks under the house for floor support aren't even touching the floor! Plus he said there's leaking pipes, a place where they had a major leak of some sort that they replaced. So now we are looking at another place on the outskirts of town ,that is in our price range ,and is in very good shape from what I see on the outside. It also has a tower :thumbup:. The tower is showing some age but I'll have to look at it up close to see if I'll be able to put my antenna up there. We are supposed to get more info on the place tomorrow. I'm hoping this will be the place. I love the location and is convienient. I'll let ya'll know. PLUS there aren't any HAM operators or CB operators within 2 miles from the house :thumbup::biggrin::thumbup1:
Sooo . . . what happens when you set up your radio, amp, and antenna and you key it up and the neighbor closest to you has a computer and he hears you making all kinds of nasty comments on the radio. Oh yeah, he has kids that using the computer too. You are bleeding into the computer speakers because of the amp or the radio - and now you have a neighbor that doesn't say anything. Or at least; at first. Then, he tells you that he has heard you saying all kinds of things and his kids hear it.

What do you do?
Kids around my neighborhood cuss more than a room full of Marines.

I was walking to my truck a few years back and heard a strange noise behind my neighbors house. When I looked over my Jeep, I caught my neighbors son taking a whizz on their central air unit. He was about 6 years old, just as I was about to yell at him he looked at me and said, "what the F you looking at?"

He started apologizing when he seen me walking to their front door. His dad is a friend of mine and wasn't very happy. Anyway, he got a nice spankin.
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Kids around my neighborhood cuss more than a room full of Marines.

I was walking to my truck a few years back and heard a strange noise behind my neighbors house. When I looked over my Jeep, I caught my neighbors son taking a whizz on their central air unit. He was about 6 years old, just as I was about to yell at him he looked at me and said, "what the F you looking at?"

He started apologizing when he seen me walking to their front door. His dad is a friend of mine and wasn't very happy. Anyway, he got a nice spankin.

You can thank society for teaching kids this days how wonderful it is to sin.
Obama is the Antichrist.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
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Sooo . . . what happens when you set up your radio, amp, and antenna and you key it up and the neighbor closest to you has a computer and he hears you making all kinds of nasty comments on the radio. Oh yeah, he has kids that using the computer too. You are bleeding into the computer speakers because of the amp or the radio - and now you have a neighbor that doesn't say anything. Or at least; at first. Then, he tells you that he has heard you saying all kinds of things and his kids hear it.

What do you do?


Few years ago, ( more like 20 yrs.) A 17 yr old boy got a sweet sixteen mobile amplifier.
his parents own "Country caterers", Mobile catering service in his home town.

This 17 yr old kid "Billy" had just got his amp installed in his Toyota four wheel drive pick up. Was sitting in the driveway at his parents house. Keyed the radio and amp and asked for an audio check.

Friend of mine went back to him and said sounded great and asked what he was using. Billy explained the new amp and all that stuff.

The other op asked Billy to drive over to his house to see the new amp.

Billy replied "I can't my mom is being a BIT@H and wont let me go no where."

Last thing heard from "Billy "for around a month, no one seen him or heard him on the air. It was summer time so no school.

Billy's parents run their business from their residence, they have an intercom system, Billy's mom heard everything Billy said on the radio that day. So she showed "Billy" just how much of a BIT#H she could be.

The amplifier? She made "Billy" take a hammer to it. The four wheel drive truck, tires got removed and it sit on blocks all summer.

Anytime you key that mic, someone is listening, if you transmit a dirty bleeding signal it can and will come over computer speakers.
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And maybe he can bring your radio back to specs, re-bias that amp for AB1, find ya a low pass filter and not say a word to what you are doing - to anyone. If done right; no one will notice your station because it won't causing interference. He might consider it a challenge to do it right, as I would. You can't stop people for using a radio; but you can help them to do it right. I think I would try to make friends with him first. You already have some things in common - radio. He already knows about your world; yet you know so little about his. Pardon me if I got you figured out wrong . . .

Alternatively you could operate high power from the mobile and move location every so often, your chances of getting caught running illegally would be substantially reduced.

in over 30 years of radio i've only heard of one static mobile station being busted, and they were sitting all day, next to a very sensitive establishment.

running illegal radio operations from a fixed location (you can never be certain what you are interfering with) makes you a sitting duck for Direction Finding vans, a lesson i learned the hard way almost 30 years ago.

Trying to DF a moving signal source takes a lot of resources.:wink::wink: unless your interfering with military, emergency services or civil aviation the chances of anyone going to that hassle/expense is remote.

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