I can save you a look see.
This pic here tells me nothing
I can save you a look see.
It may help with an Imax 2K because of the antenna design itself. No guarantee it will help however. Also no guarantee you will need it.
Completely irrelevant as to the need for a choke at the feedpoint. Close neighbors can be affected by a perfect installation.
Again irrelevant. Front end overload is the more likely culprit when running an amp in close proximity to neighbors.
this is a good example for a rf choke. also id add the gpk to it in hoping it may decouple
the coax,.. make as pic shows DO NOT use barrel connectors deafects pupose imho
just use you rg213. as said earlier this ISNT a gureentee but i do feel its a good start
Just seal 'em up good.
Why not use barrel connectors? How would they defeat the purpose? They are merely an extension of the coaxial cable itself.