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Final suggestion for the 148 GTL-DX

same radio as a superstar 360fm, what little power you gain by changing finals will be unnoticed. doubling your power will only gain you 1/2 a s-unit. you are better off buying a small amp.
i agree 100% on the small amp, another option would be to make it dual final, the traces are there and only a few components need adding, i would uprate the am reg/mod circuit to the same as dual final too, it wont make much difference at all to your singal but it is pretty easy to do following lou franklins directions in the uniden export manual.
i agree with gettin an amp....the difference is soo small, with the final change...WHY? i don't know..all i know is that i can get the 1969 final to put out just as well
SmackDown said:
I want to increase the output. Which transistor or MOSFET is recommended. The radio I have does not use the 8719 PLL, the number looks like 145103 on the chip.


Leave it alone Smack ! I had one of those about 15 years ago and it may have been one of the finest AM/SSBs I ever owned . As far as CB radio is concerned 40 up and 40 down extra's was all I ever needed .(little road map helped all the same) These guys are right about a little out board motor if you can get a way with it . That's a very nice DX cb radio you have there ! drift free SSB and solid performer dude ! as well as fantastic RX and that old school 148 BIG quality audio. That freak'in radio is a keeper Smack !! I'll tell you what would look sweet on that baby , a nice wired in Ranger FC-390 freq counter. Good luck to you man.
I had a 148F GTL-DX + and it was a dual 1969 final radio, very much like a Connex 4800. Does yours have the heat sink on the back? If so it's already dual finals.
He should have this one and it is not dual final but it doesn't have to be. It's just a fine radio as is.
Carl Bobber and Switch are all spot on with this leave it alone and get a small amp even a little 100 watt will boost power and audio without beating the ever loving piss out of that radio. The money you would have into modding that radio would put you up in the ball park of where you could have just bought a radio that was factory setup for the high power right out of the back. Leave that radio alone put a good power mic on at 100% modulation and leave the dead key low and SSB at 10-15 watts and with an amp you will be hammering (cleanly) and that radio will just be idling along and running smoothly and running most importantly COOL. :wink:
The 25's and 29's are AM only radios. The 148/Grant/DX radios are SSB radios. Apples and Oranges. In other words, the same mods to NOT apply!

I have an original 148GTL-DX here also. It was modded by some fool. I took it Justin and he converted it back to stock (although the RB is on the ch-9 switch) and did a complete alignment. It works wonderful!
I have a 148 F GTL-DX. Great radio.

Leave yours stock and get a nice little amp.

This will leave you room to do other things. Something like a KLV or similar I believe you would be better off.

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