Well as soon as i get it all setup i will take many pics for sure...dont think i can swing the Alpha right now, thats going to have to come next christmas or mid life crisses..witch ever comes first!!i will probably just stick a Heathkit SB220 behind it untill then. Yeah the Heils can sound really good if set up correctly!!
Just curious Why an Alpha? Having used many amps including several Alphas I find they do one thing in particular, put out more power.
Now that the basic issue is simply a power increase, lets add one other factor into the mix and perhaps you or someone else can enlighten me as to why the $8,000.00 Alpha is so much better than say a Henry 2k-4 that puts out the same legal limit power and allows key down periods well beyond what any sane operator would expect to be transmitting.
Given the power output limit is 1,500 watts and the maximum key down times is say less than 5 minutes and usually much less with turn around being about say minimum 1 minute, how do you justify spending $8,000.00 for something a good working amp of the Henry line will do that as well and has been doing it for almost 50 years make it past the decision process?
To me, spending the money should it be the only viable option would make a reasonable case to pay that for the Alpha. The question the becomes what is your antenna set up consisting of? To me $1,200 to $1,500.00 for a Henry in good working order, with $6,500.00 to $6,800.00 left over for Antenna system makes more sense.
Now if you must have the NAME I can understand, I just don't see why investing in a better antenna setup along with a comparable amp an output for the same outlay of cash is disregarded. Side by sie the signal strength would be the same, but you would have tower, antenna, plus everything else for the same price as the Alpha alone. Using the Alpha after laying out the additional cost of the same antenna system basically won't gain you anything. The only difference is the amp name badge and a lot more money going out that could be used for a second rig or other choice equipment.
Please understand I am seriously trying to find out why someone would spend 5 times the money for the same output after all you can legally only run max 1500 watts an both amps will o that easily, as well as you get the same key down time and both are built well with the Henry having the edge of being proven as rock solid and built like a tank, whereas the Alpha is a known quantity with a return rate that most folks really don't want to look at. Both units can be desk top so that is not a issue.
So what do you gain?
I have yet to hear someone running an Alpha being received differently than someone running a similar system with another amp of the same power being able to discern a difference in audio quality. so again, what do you gain?
I offer the Henry as a known quantity but there are other which could be inserted as well.
I would really like to hear of a valid reason of shelling out 5 times the amount for an amp that break own rate is what it is and doesn't do anything more once it is tuned but amplify the input power of the signal fed into it being worth the expense it calls for to have one. I certainly don't believe the Alpha name is any better longevity wise than Henry and again having used several in my 30 years of Ham Radio am waiting for something that is the actual reason to buy an Alpha over something else.
A bare foot rig with a great antenna system can often do the same if not better than someone with a mediocre antenna and a legal limit amp. I prove that everyday running a home brew vertical and 10 watts from a battery powered rig. I also have a pretty extensive antenna set up along with legal limit power should I want to use it.
So, please tell me and the other readers here the determining factor of why an Alpha @ $8,000.00 is worth buying instead of buying a another amp brand of excellent quality and along with a good to great antenna set up is justified.
Once the amp is tuned and in use it is just a device to increase power so all of them (legal limit amps is what I refer to) do that and cost a lot less to boot.