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Flamethrower Galaxy 959

I generally stay out of these kinds of radio discussion because what I have to add most likely would not be swallowed very well But here we go.

I would ask all of you that have worked on radios as I have virtually every day of my life for the last 50 years what is the criteria for stating radio one that is identical to radio 2 will talk farter? what would radio 1 need to do to talk farther than radio 2? In a more than feckless way? I mean if the brag is our radios talk farther than anyone else's how much farther is that and please, by all means, show me what makes that radio do that?

If radio one can barely be heard at 10 miles and you can't really hear what they are saying what would radio 2 need to do to be heard at a significantly longer distance? to qualify it for be worth several hundred dollars more?

My point is it all sounds like apples and oranges stuff if one radio is being bragged up to talk farther then, by all means, take the time to prove it Hear is how we did it at a division of Hustler I worked for way back when. It worked with antenna systems and would work the same fashion with radios.

1) Use 2 cars exactly the same body style:

2) Use 2 radios exactly the same:

3) One radio tuned by the competition and One tuned by you "'whoever you is"

4) Park these cars in exactly the same spot to test them: should be something like the Salt Flats "no obstacles"

5) Both cars must have exactly the same antenna mounted in exactly the same position with the same coax and coax length showing exactly the same match at exactly the same power levels

6) Both radios must be fed with exactly the same voltage with no drop in line voltage under transmit.

7) Each must be tested within 5 minutes of each other as this should eliminate any kind of conditions that would be considered atmospheric in nature.

8) Now you will use a high quality active Field Strength Meter (Pictured below) for this test not a radio and it will be the same field strength meter for both radios. mounted at exactly the same elevation and tuned to the frequency used to test and not adjusted at any time to compensate for ether radio after all if these are tests of ones ability to tune then they better both be on the money!

9) The radios will be keyed with a 50% modulated 1000 Hz audio tone for 10 seconds.

If you believe I have left any procedure out of this experiment please add to the list we must be certain to cover all the variables.

Once we can all agree on these procedures as very solid and ones that will provide us with results that can't be subjective we can then suggest "No" Demand that if you are going to make these claims then these are the criteria we as radio techs can wrap our minds around, sind our teeth into. I would be glad to function as an independent testing facility for these claimants "For a fee of Course" Thanks

The above tests should be repeated 3 times over a defined period of time and the results averaged against each other.

May the testing games begin.

digital field strength meter.JPG
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Your method listed out would be the absolute only way to determine the claims you listed in your post. Unfortunately that’s not likely to happen and even then some people would still disagree with the outcome.

Far as this Flamethrower goes, it’s more about the claims made by the seller and what they list has been done to the radio itself. Get one and crack it open, most everything in the radio is stone stock stuff. Nothing special has been done, like someone else we all know, false claims and deception.
Funny, after you read all the posts about the FlameThrower CB the negative comments are all made by people who don't own or never used one. What kind of validity can one have for any moron who talks down a product of any kind who never owned one or much less used it? Who is this idiot fool who called that Tech at work and made a complete jackass of himself? Im surprised he didn't hang up when the second you started asking those absolutely stupid questions. Haven't you got anything better to do than waste his time? You said your friend aligns his radios to one one thousand of a microvolt? Yes, thats exactly what you said..Are you on drugs? That's one nanovolt ! Modern space probes with frozen LNA amplifiers barely meet that kind of spec.
I also noticed the positive comments are all user owners who have been using them for a while. Doesn't take a genus to figure our who is full of crap and making up negative BS to brag about their tech who is most likely himslef..LOL
Funny, after you read all the posts about the FlameThrower CB the negative comments are all made by people who don't own or never used one. What kind of validity can one have for any moron who talks down a product of any kind who never owned one or much less used it? Who is this idiot fool who called that Tech at work and made a complete jackass of himself? Im surprised he didn't hang up when the second you started asking those absolutely stupid questions. Haven't you got anything better to do than waste his time? You said your friend aligns his radios to one one thousand of a microvolt? Yes, thats exactly what you said..Are you on drugs? That's one nanovolt ! Modern space probes with frozen LNA amplifiers barely meet that kind of spec.
I also noticed the positive comments are all user owners who have been using them for a while. Doesn't take a genus to figure our who is full of crap and making up negative BS to brag about their tech who is most likely himslef..LOL

Did yours come with or without the chrome sound-effects switch box?

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I don’t own one, don’t use one. But I have a friend that owns it and uses and it just happens to be out in my shop right this minute.

I’ll take some pictures of the inside of it and post them shortly. If hot glue dabbed in every single connector/plug inside the radio makes it a “flamethrower”, well...I guess Lester is onto something with his glue gun. He might better start smearing more glue in radios that he does already. Hell, I’m gonna start pumping them full of hot glue myself...the one with the glitter in it from Dollar General.

I can assure you that fresh out the box from the seller, it lacks very much to be a “flamethrower”, it might be a Bic at best. And absolutely nothing that’s been listed as an upgrade has actually been done. It’s a factory radio with a little decal plastered on the faceplate and lots and lots of hot glue.

Cause, let’s not forget, Galaxy radios are known for the plugs/connectors coming undone, not bad solder joints.
The so called FlameThrower radio you say you have, I bet ya it's a fake you made yourself just to show what a real man, excuse me.. loser you are...LOL
That radio has been conterfeited for years.There are a boatload of fakes out there, everyone knows that who knows anything about CB radios.
Oh, by the way, I hope you have verbal or written permission to record and play that Techs personal call with you that you posted on this site. That is unless you have a good attorney.
I just might give them a call and let them know what illegal and defamatory actions you have been doing on this site, not to mention that video on the many other sites we have seen your defamatory BS about their product and others. There are few of us that have had about all the BS we can take from your worthless, self pat on the back comments and bragging. Get a life, and quit bothering people at work with your stupidity .
Are you confusing me with Rabbi? I don’t have any videos posted anywhere. I’ve never recorded any tech, at any time, anywhere. I think you’re referring to rabbiporkchop. I’m just plain Porkchop, the original...the real one.

Maybe the one my buddy bought off eBay is a fake...maybe it’s a clone, maybe it’s not. Pretty sure it’s straight from the plane hangar though, like so many others.

I can tell you one thing, I share your dislike for rabbi and his boy.
Been a member since 2011 and this is your 3rd message. This is how you come out of obscurity? Did the Corona lockdown finally push you over the edge? Geez man take it down a notch.

He’s just talking about Rabbid and his boy, The Sherminator. I’m caught in the crossfire cause of the porkchop thing...it’s all good.

And I mentioned Lester but I didn’t mean it negatively, I use the black glue myself when needed. But if it makes a radio into a flamethrower then Lester and myself both need to start pumping a lot more into the radios we touch.

Maybe Sherm The Germ should start pumping that glitter glue in his magic radios?
* Modified for operation in high vibration vehicles. A test proven performance safeguard for all Big Rigs, Service Trucks, Emergency & Off-Road Vehicle installations preventing radio failure caused by high vibration. Only a FlameThrower © has this protection.

This is achieved by the use of hot glue. I wonder why Galaxy hasn’t been doing this from the start?

Consumer Reports Rated: 5 STARS "BEST HIGH PERFORMANCE CB RADIO MADE" based on highest Quality, Performance, Shipping, Customer Service & Warranty.

Ya sure about that?


If anyone can find that consumer report, share it with the rest of us please.
Ok, that’s cool. That’s not me though. I’m sure there are many here besides myself that share your feelings.

Carry on, good sir.

Oh, but tread lightly with the name drops, they usually don’t end well around here. Let’s try to not get this shut down before I get the pictures posted.
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I have a CB radio in my PB and am considering another new one.
I like many others here who read silently but don't post for whatever personal
reason, are fed up with the continuous negative postings about everyone and every radio. For example, the flamethrower video conversation with that Tech being asked outright stupid questions at the beginning of this blog.
Many of us are looking for some positive worthwhile postings about the radios on this forum which would be a breath of fresh air for all of us. Sorry for the mix up!
TNX & 73
WR 409
Ok well hey man there are no magic bullets and there are no magic super tunes. There are hundreds of shops that want your money though. the reason you see negative comments is people are pushing the bullshit button. So there ya go.

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