If you do get a radio with FM and you want to try dx'ing on it,uk FM activity is centred around 27.78125 (ukFM ch19) with ch1 being 27.60125 and ch40 being 27.99125.ch spacing is 10 khz with no jumps/gaps.
if using an export cb then its enough to go to the nearest high/hi high band frequency and set kc shift/coarse tune to the minus position,that will get you just about bang on with ukfm,its how we and the europeans talking to us have done it for years,
ie go to 27.785,set kc shift/coarse tune to minus position and your just about bang on ukFM ch19.
many ordinary uk stations will have the ability to return calls from the states as most people here run 1/2 wave or 5/8 wave verticals and generally have linears as well.
for the rest of europe on FM then the fcc 1-40ch are the place to be but on FM mode,but qrm from your own country from AM/SSB might be problematic.most dx'ing on the cept band,what us europeans call the fcc band when its on FM is done on the top 10 ch's from around ch30-ch40,although it can pay to try the other 30ch's and ch19 in particular as many monitor it and have a lot of power "by our standards" at their disposal to return your calls.
good luck,
i first used FM on the uk channels to dx back in 81/82 just after uk legislation and even then the germans and dutch mainly, knew where to find us on their export multimodes.it will surprise you just how effective FM can be for dx'ing and local comms,although i still prefer SSB.