Well Librium I don't really recall why I put your name in the post. I guess you said something along the way that stuck with me. Maybe you were one that was actually talking directly to the issue about coil antennas.
You have your opinion and that's fine. You told me what you think and you just suggest I have faith in your words, but you don’t tell me why. That is not argument or a discussion. I was trying to encourage and continue a discussion. Maybe find out why others felt differently about the subject and I was interested how such coil antennas handle the reactance.
You just telling me something is so or is not so, don’t cut nothin’ with me. If you can’t explain a little bit of the reasons that support your opinions or give reasons why another opinion is wrong, then I have to question your contention of NO WAY.
If we had a reasonable discussion about your ideas relative to mine on this subject then maybe you might provide me with a different point of view, convince me of something new of a different way of looking at this, or even change my mind. Would that be a good lesson?
I attempted to spell out my points for your consideration; I gave a couple of reliable and graphic references to consider. I indicated why I concluded that a mobile antenna with a center loaded coil antenna might just perform as well or better in some situations compared to a full 1/4 wave, but all you say is NO WAY! Not very convincing.
I noted that I also had done some testing using only full 1/4 wave whips and explained that testing a bit, and you just claim experiences too without explanation. Not very convincing. I suggested what I found to be an issue using whips and you just claim that no antenna gurus will disagree with you. Not very convincing. I realize you were not persuaded by my arguments or my experiences. If you related your experiences maybe I wouldn’t be convinced about your's either, but I guess that is what makes the world go around.
You didn’t even ask me any questions or challenge one thing I said, so I can only assume you just dismissed my words out of hand. That seemingly is just what you did with the issue from the start and I guess that is why I responded as I did, wrong as it was. You just gave an opinion without support, so what else is there to say?
Now Master Chief on the other hand just wanted to make a silly issue about who originated the idea, who made the design, or who owned the antenna, like that really was an all important part of the issue. He also suggests that I should get a handle on that fact or say nothing. Not very convincing. BTW, don't hold your breath waiting for me to answer that little warning PM you sent me. I'm not your punk.
‘Doc and Beetle were making words also, but I have no idea where they were going with their discussion, it sure wasn’t on point as best I can tell and I did not respond.
I take it no one wants to discuss this further and I guess that is the only point that matters now.