Well.- for what it's worth, heres the Cobra 18ST rendition of the Sound Tracker system.
So in a way, for you to enjoy the ST effect, you had to have a separate radio listening into it to understand the effect.
Others that didn't have the ST feature, got the noisy reception but also could hear the extra compressed effects of the audio in the signal from that ST-radio..
Examples would be - when ST is turned off, they are typical radios, when it was on, the compressor side added more to the audio by compressing it into a higher energy level signal within the carrier that others could hear this as an extra level of like they turned up the mic a bit more.
On the ST based units listening in, when ST turned on, the noise floor of the ambient air noise at the re3ceiver side, got quieter because the receiver can engage the expander side of the Compandor and push down noise that would otherwise washed in with the signal.
The ST radio used a little trick to accomplish this, they added extra amplification to the Expander input to obtain this compressed signal and then expand it's dynamic range to normal
Note the Yellow Arrow, points to a R802 and C816 ...
That simple little amp took in the channel - all it's noise after the ANL did it's effort to reduce the noise - then this little amp simply amplified the signal left from the previous processing and injected it into the EXP (Expander) input.
But notice the novel use of R802, and C816 - these two act as a tonal amplifier filter (parallel) - so the Compressed effects of the ST unit, can then be more amplified using this tonal filter.
So with many looking into HI-FI and direct inject, many are not hearing the "expected" levels of distortion that normally come with radio reception. There is better fidelity, but lack of intelligibility - because too much is placed on bandwidth and not the inflection and distortion products that helps us discern the consonants from the vowels and when you listen carefully, your phone call does about the same thing - only uses less that 8-bit DAC (255 different tone burst effects) using the VOIP compression technology already in your Cell phone.