1. what exactly are the qualifications to become a moderator here?
is it based upon the owner's personal opinion of the proposed mod?
is there a certain amount of time or a certain number of posts that qualify someone?
does one just have to ask?
Basically, yes, just ask and tell us why you want to do it and if the need is there, we do it.
2. is there any sort of public notice given as to when the forum might be looking for another moderator?
Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't, it just depends on the need.
3. did Robb's status as a moderator here have anything to do with his ability to obtain free equipment for review?
the timing of the two might seem to some to be more than just a coincidence.
Nope, the review was an idea of the admin/mods. We volunteered to make our own calls. Rob was NOT the only one that received equipment for review.
4. Moleculo, why do you not do more reviews of equipment?
is it because it might conflict with the perceived objectiveness that goes along with moderator status?
(these are serious questions, not veiled sarcasm)
Mole does SEVERAL reviews, do an advanced search, you can view them.
i believe that if the answers to these questions were made public; it might allow this subject to be put to bed once and for all.
We watch the traffic closely here, we see what draws the most and try to keep it coming. Reviews and Techy articles pull in the most. We have done reviews on our own equipment, people like it so we looked for ways to keep fresh equipment reviews.
We just want to have the best forum, if reviews are not the way, fine, we can do something else. The feedback from all of you is what drives what we do. Give us ideas????????