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Found Tower & Antenna for sale

What you saying makes my installation on my starduster illegal because my pipe mast and antenna mast are about 17' to the hub of the antenna and above the peak of the garage. Then you have the top element above the hub and don't remember the length of that but will guess 6-8'. OH Well it is what it is guess I better behave. LOL
Mine is probably over too, but I don't expect anyone to come by and try to measure it. The way I see it, it's not a problem until it's a problem.
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Chances are these days the only one who's going to complain about how high your antenna stands is that busybody in the HOA two streets over that thinks you should follow their rules even though you're not in the HOA.
That's the way people are they are so busy watching someone else they get nothing done for themselves. My neighbors set on their arse for hours watching me work, I feel like a celebrity. LOL
As the old saying goes, "I love work, I can watch it all day" :giggle:
Boy that is the truth about my neighbors. This town is known in the area as a welfare town and the ones that don't get a check direct in the mail are always looking for a hand out. I wonder where they think this Grant money comes from. In the mean time I just keep Hoeing ! LOL
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On the topic of towers. The clients we consult with are the various Counties, scattered throughout west Texas and the Panhandle area. I was on the road this week, meeting with several and while I was driving, I tried to be mindful of how many towers I saw. The area I'm traveling in is very rural and sparsely populated. The average county population is between 1 and 2k. I saw plenty of towers, probably 20 to 30 and most of them had one thing in common. They had a tv antenna on the top, pointed in the direction of the nearest large city. These were 20 to 40 foot towers, picking up the local news.

There was one exception. I wanted to stop at this guy's house, knock on the door and shake his hand. His house was on the outskirts of this small town and he had a tower that had to be 60 feet tall, probably more. It was guy wired and had what looked like a "not so old" ground plane sitting on top. Oh man!! That thing was a sight!

I did see a few more shorter towers with what looked like the remains of what used to he a ham antenna.

Edit: For a little prospective, this was a three day, 1245 mile drive. We have counties out here larger than a lot of states. There’s one area below the Panhandle called "the big empty". An area so massive and so empty, but also very beautiful! One of the largest cattle ranches in Texas is located here. It's the 6666. And it's now owned by Taylor Sheridan. For those who watch Yellowstone, you'll know who he is.
I'm still not sure how I feel about this.

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There was one exception. I wanted to stop at this guy's house, knock on the door and shake his hand. His house was on the outskirts of this small town and he had a tower that had to be 60 feet tall, probably more. It was guy wired and had what looked like a "not so old" ground plane sitting on top. Oh man!! That thing was a sight!
You should have put your cell phone in action and got some pictures for the post. I'll bet there is more than a few that Bend the rules and I guess if you have no-one close you can bother Let-ER-Rip !
You should have put your cell phone in action and got some pictures for the post. I'll bet there is more than a few that Bend the rules and I guess if you have no-one close you can bother Let-ER-Rip !
Ha!! I was so busy looking, I didn't think about taking pictures.
I just added to my original post...
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