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Freecell where is my...part 2..

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Did the original situation ever get resolved?

Not quite. Got some of my stuff back. NOT ALL. He STILL owes me two antenna mounts and a new mic.

Un FKN real.

Earth to Jack......
Can you please send the rest of my stuff?

Thanks in advance.
))))))))))ATTENTION FREECELL((((((((((((( Now I know IM not going to get a reply from this but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. What's up dude ? You are a very intellegent human being when it comes to radios and amps and pretty much all that goes with it.

You may not have liked me much over the years , but you have taught me as well as others the truths about our equipments and the right ways and the wrongs about doing things. I personally put you up there with the best of them with there knowledge and know how.

I have personally done business with Pumphouse and guys like Master Chief , these are good honest people who pay up and have more patients then I could ever have. MC's dealt with you for over 8 months to get his Amp and radio back from you a while back ? Now PH is having the same problem ?

Why is it OK with you to tarnish your own knowledge and know how and business ethics ? It took me a while to get an understanding of your mode of operations when it comes to questions asked by others whom are looking for help or understandings about a given issues. It's just who you are. Take it or leave it. I've personally appreciated your not so direct help to others or myself. Thank you.

But what is up with this kind of business activities towards good up front paying customers ? It's obvious you have been known to do this to others in the past . What ever the case may be Freecell ? I can only hope that you can get your shit together concerning your business ethics towards others. I would personal hate to see you not posting anymore , I've kind of gotten used to your shitty attitude towards others and things. (the truth might hurt , but it is what it is)

I once knew one of the best Radio/Amp man in So.Cal. 18 years in the business , he hated cb'ers but yet they paid his morgage. He had a attitude very simlar to yours towards others. He went belly up in 1995 and a lot of people lost there money and equipment after all was said and done. (very simlar to the Forum shop that closed down about 2 years ago)

Auh yes , there were alot of good people at the time that took a beating but yet they seemed to have been shoved under the Forums rug at the time. This is all besides the point. J&S turned out to be a combination of not enough business / FCC / and drug usage and a totally
unnecessary bad attitude towards others.
. End of story.

I hope whatever your lack of business practices are ? can fix themselves Freecell ? Good people do not deserve this kind of customer service. Especially the ones that have way more patience then most. IM sorry to see this crap on the Forum walls let alone about you Freecell. I would personally like to think you are much better then this. The best of luck to you. Switch Kit
He is the lowest of the low,just ask around .He will not show his ugly face here,he has been exposed for who he really is.I know some people locally that would still love to get there hands on him.And after all this to think he (and some other forum shop)has a so-called black list and a white list of shops,what a bunch of garbage,Freecell should be at the top of his own blacklist ! The question is will the other shop that has a black list put Jack Thurston on the top of ther blacklist,or put out a warning to customers about this low-life theif scam artist ?
Members that have actual transaction feedback with any other member should use the feedback tool so others can review. All you have to do is click on the username and submit feedback ebay-style.
He is the lowest of the low,just ask around .He will not show his ugly face here,he has been exposed for who he really is.I know some people locally that would still love to get there hands on him.And after all this to think he (and some other forum shop)has a so-called black list and a white list of shops,what a bunch of garbage,Freecell should be at the top of his own blacklist ! The question is will the other shop that has a black list put Jack Thurston on the top of ther blacklist,or put out a warning to customers about this low-life theif scam artist ?

Since I'm "some other forum shop", I guess I should chime in. This is the first I've heard of 292 being accused of ripping someone off. I haven't had time to do a lot of forum browsing in the past year or so, so I'm a bit behind the times perhaps. I did find a report at Rip-off Report: 292 Radio Shop / Jack Thurston / Fire Communications Mail Fraud - Does Not Deliver and Demands Postal Monsey Orders for Payment Juliaetta Idaho. Is this the same issue that's being spoken of in this thread?

I read the post earlier in this thread where someone said 292 had been charged with drug and theft crimes, but I haven't found any Arizona police reports to that effect. The only police reports I found about 292 were a couple of traffic violations. Perhaps the person who posted about the theft and drug charges will let us know the source of his info, and put a link or links to those sources.

As for the Blacklist/Whitelist, Jack has nothing to do with the Whitelist. He does run the Blacklist, and yes, I do link to it. I link to it because I have first-hand experience with many of the shops on that list, and I know what kind of work they do. However, if it turns out to be proven that 292 is guilty as charged, then I will dis-associate my shop from him.
so jack crossed the continent to play with drugs and steal stuff ????

maybe he was young and needed the money ?? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I searched on three different people that I know were arrested for either drug, assult, and robbery, all with convictions and time served.

And I got ZERO results on all three names, first, middle and last.

I wish it was a more reliable database.

BTW, Switch Kit, you should leave crap alone.
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