you see those itty bitty walkie talkies in walmart or any BigBox store for about 30 bucks a pair? they are so low powered and just cheaply designed and manufactured they hardly work for more than a block, i think the specs should be bumped up to about like a CB radio = 4 watts and an external antenna capable of being used.
i would buy a base station and put mobile radios in my car and pickup to keep tabs on family, (friends too)
they would be a great alternative for local communications when the DX/skip has the CB radio saturated with 30+ db of DX/Skip noise and congestion
i would buy a base station and put mobile radios in my car and pickup to keep tabs on family, (friends too)
they would be a great alternative for local communications when the DX/skip has the CB radio saturated with 30+ db of DX/Skip noise and congestion