Mr. LSB,Heheh thanks @Crawdad It's already on order and fine, fine, BC. Lmao I get it but my vision slowly going so big monitor is huge plus. Yes Crawdad I did order an old DVI 22" monitor with ability for the top res the Yaesu can do @800x600 I think it was. I also read about people letting the magic smoke out by using adapters etc.
I bought the app for License study and slowly learning (so far failing the practice tests - more study required) . I'll start on chicken band but hopefully can at least manage to get technician eventually one hopes. Glad to hear the recieve filtering is top notch I have a noisy...QTH is it?
Done the breaker test it isn't me.
Good noise suppression is required here. Presently on a "Hear it" DSP speaker or I wouldn't even bother the noise is that bad.
Nice thing is latest firmware you can use wireless USB mouse to control the radio on the "TV" as BC calls it.
I don't think you'll be sorry for choosing the 710. I also suffer with man-made noise (QRM) of varying levels and the filters, etc, have made it easier to deal with and much more pleasant audio.
I have no doubt you will make it through the Tech Exam, it's not that difficult with a bit of study. That will give you a big chunk of 10m and all of 6m, as well as all the UHF stuff. Once you get thru Tech, General is also not terribly hard with a bit of study, opening up most of the HF bands to you and some fabulous DXing when Mother Nature cooperates. I've had a blast on the 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter bands. 6m has also been fun for short openings and regional contacts, including several WWDX forum members. And your 710 will do them all quite well. You don't have to dump thou$and$ into antennas to find success, I've done quite well on wire dipoles and a couple of 6m Moxons.
7 3 sir, and best of luck.