My very first antenna was a cheap G5RV. (I have a beam now.) But I had great success with the G5RV, making lots and lots of DX contacts with it. It went gunny-bag a couple of years ago so I've been using my beam only. Since my beam is a tri-bander that means I've been pretty much working 20M only, since 15M has been crappy and 10M has been dead. I just put up a brand new G5RV a couple of days ago (a super heavy duty one this time) and am once again enjoying being able to work 80, 40, 17, and 12 again.
One leg is up in a tree in my front yard, but I was able use an extension ladder to get it high up. The feed point is up at 30' at the peak of my roof, and the other end is tied to a post out in the field behind my house. The ladder line hangs straight down the side of the house.
Good luck.
Mark K7OWG
One leg is up in a tree in my front yard, but I was able use an extension ladder to get it high up. The feed point is up at 30' at the peak of my roof, and the other end is tied to a post out in the field behind my house. The ladder line hangs straight down the side of the house.
Good luck.
Mark K7OWG