I got this out of the manual
"When the switch is in the “SWR” position, the meter indicates the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) of your antenna. There are no adjustments because the SWR circuit in this radio calibrates itself automatically (accurate at maximum power output)."
Should I still set it with my external SWR meter. I am trying to find directions on how to do two antennas......I know, Iknow.....Its a stupid question but I am gonna aks it anyway,
Since I am a rookie....How do ya do it
that gives a ballpark figure.the best route is a external swr meter and a 3 feet jumper coax to
hook it up. as i said you can just unscrew 1 antenna if using 75 ohm coax . cause your radio antenna jack is 50 ohms and your antenna should be close to 50 ohms .so see how
you need the right coax.now if IS 50 ohm coax then definately use 1 antenna. and probaly
should get a single 18 feet run of coax.now ASSUMING your coax is 75 ohm for dual antennas i tune them like this
you,ll need 1 18 feet 50 ohm piece of coax with connectors
1/start with 1 antenna and single coax on either side
2/once you get one side set goto to other side and repeat
3/once ya get both sides tuned then install both antennas AND the 75 ohm dual coax setup
and swrs should still be good.
4/ how to tune swr. check on ch.1 and 40
5/if higher on 40 shorten whip by sliding it down more if need cut 1/8 of a inch off bottom
6/if higher on ch.1 lenthen whip by sliding it out about 1/8 inch
this is why im against duals lots of work for little to no gain.
but need to find out what type of coax ya got
ideally you want your swr close on channel 1 and 40 anything 1.5.1 will be fine . 3.0 or higher will harm your amp/radio