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Galaxy 95T and TS667 issues

Get a good cobra 29 or galaxy 33,44, or 55v, the older models and be done, a dual final radio is more for use with a high drive amp.
So I just went to cbtricks and pulled up the service manual for the superstar158edx.... and..... It has an internal adjustment for AM and SSB rf output. So why wouldnt i be able to have my technician adjust it accordingly to not overdrive the 667.....:pop:
Set the internal limits and put the cover back on,
you may have to play with it just a bit but 1 or 2 in for dead key and let the peaks swing up to about 14/16 watts.

You really do not need a lot with that built in driver.
Put a big fan on it, damn things run hot if you do not.
You must remember that it is still just a 500 with a driver.

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Jeff I know the damn thing is cranking out some power too. I used my friends 979 and keyed it on AM with a 2watt deadkey swinging 10-15watts for about 5 minutes of shooting skip, the lower part of my whip on the Wilson 1k mag was quite warm and the box definitely needs a fan. But I was getting people back to me which was a first for me on AM I can't wait to bring it neat the beach and shoot skip. heck maybe ill be able to key on a local
It's about the size of a pack of smokes, they are out of production but had a single 1969 final in them, sometimes a 2312.
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I've seen a few at local hamfests in the past few years. Almost bought one, but passed on 'em. I figured it'd be fried. They are neat looking though.
The more I think about what you are trying to do it could work. Even if you could get it to hit 8-10 watts peak that would be enough for the 667. The input dead key to the 667 would be the tricky part.
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For a test run the radio into the Galaxy 30 into a watt meter. Anything that can get you a 1-2 watt dead key and 8-20 watts peak will be great.
Pete's always out there. Telling everyone he's on a 5 pill with some Francis on the van. Problem is whenever I point my flat side beam towards him, he's 20db stronger than the vertical. Last time he tried to pull that one over on us I told him to check his van quick because he must have rolled it over on its side to get them Francis's talking horizontal. Wayne doesn't talk on the radio anymore. Karen moved to North Carolina and I've heard Larry once recently testing an amp for someone.

Nice. Just can't play much on cb anymore. It's horrible down here on LI. Man-o-war is about it 'locally'.....more or less....on AM. SSB is like ch 19 used to be-just plain ugly. I've described my pet peeves here before ;) including the tech & genl 11m SSBers who just dont get 'skip', e skip or f layer. They incessantly complain that they cant talk local, are worse then 5150 & foe tee foe foe tee foe et al, THEN go to 28.385 & complain they have skip on 10m....AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Sorry. Its 6m ssb for me, or i go where only extras can go. Anyway, not much more in 11m equipt left, the big tubes are gone & my 100w 706mk2g is it for the mobile. Just doesnt pay to aggravate myself anymore. Oh well. Boss can hear me, i'll hafta jump in on the bowl some afternoon....& talk to his 5 pill.....DRIVER ;)
Thanks for the update!

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