Yes, the answer lies in this thread - your topic...
There are two posts I want you to consider...
Here's one...
The photo in that one, points to the trimmers.
Here's the other...
Ok, you may have seen them over and over again, but...
You're having a problem adjusting Bias on one of those two MOSFET's.
Knowing you did find 1N4148's in there, helps to bolster my theory on why the radios output did drop.
It was not just the cap - although the cap failed to cause the cascaded failure - the Diodes actually did it.
IF those are 1N4148's they needed to be ZENERS - not ordinary Diodes.
PIV - Peak Inverse Voltage - how much Voltage the Diode with direct in one direction when that power is even going in REVERSE - in most 1N4148's it starts at about 50V PIV - a rating and a breakdown.
What happens? Then you apply 50 volts but reverse the leads - The Diode will conduct, doesn't act like a one-way valve anymore - power travels both ways - until too much power in applied wattage (in power) makes the part fail in one of two ways...
- A Molten Pellet - melted junction causing a dead short
- A popped Pellet - the part opens explosively and breaks the circuit - open line like a blown fuse.
- IN the meantime - the DIODE acts like a dead short until it or something else in the circuit feed - blows open to stop the process.
I mention power because of the way you can process (think thru) the event.
In any radio Driver and Final produce power - one needs the other to make the circuit complete and send out a signal.
The Driver produces some power mixed in with audio (AM thru the Mirror Board and AM Regulator) - or a little more power if you are sending a RF signal that really has audio or information on it (SSB Mode)...
Either way, the Driver produces power - in some instances of Peak - over several WATTS of power are sent into the Final.
What is the Diode on the Final Doing? Bearing the brunt of not just the power flowing into the Gate BEHIND the Diode (The Bias circuit) but the RF signal that is present on it's leads GOING INTO the Gate.
IF there is enough Peak to Peak power present - it can destroy the GATE before it blows the DIODE.
Gates are rates by Peak to Peak voltage that can be applied - usually (with the IRF520) 20 volts Positive and 20 Volts negative - a RATING. It's a value, not cast in stone - not always perfect, so if you even get close to the 40 volt "Window" the Final can operate in - you can still blow the Final - and everything stops - yet all the parts in the strip seem ok - just looking back at you - like nothing went wrong.
Note that 40 volts and 50 volts - are close but not the same number - there's a 20% INCREASE you have to arrive to to get up there before the Diode will reverse it's directionality and exhibit PIV. But - it's too much for the MOSFET to withstand.
This is why they use ZENERS, to keep the event from occurring in the first place.

So for Galaxy, they use 5.6V 1 Watt rated parts - but if you sub in a
STANDARD Diode - yes, the Diode works but does not provide the protection the ZENER will, keeping the power in the Gates RATED voltage range (when supporting parts are incorporated correctly) to let your radio last longer.
The 5.6V means that the Zener can be installed as a protection device - put in with it's polarity reversed - reversed from an ordinary diode from the Bipolar days - to provide a means to LIMIT peaks.

There is an inherited trait of several faults using Zeners have, over ordinary diodes - one being the QUALITY of signal that can be passed into the GATE.
Zeners, when installed reversed like shown in the links above, they will "conduct" and pull down the power it "sees" at it's banded end (cathode) - this means not just voltage - EVERYTHING present - like it clamps it. This can make for some strange results if you're not careful.
I could go on, but I'll let you digest this...