First off, MOSFETs cannot be tested the same way that one would test - let's say - a 2sc1969 bipolar transistor could be tested. Because MOSFETs need a turn of voltage threshold to even operate at. Apples and oranges.
Next, you used the service manual to set up the radio. For the most part, it will work. But when it comes to the final transistors and they are MOSFETs; then they are not adjusted the same way. Probably why you snapped them. The gate voltage must be adjusted for each; 3.65v for the driver and 3.9v for the final. This is done with the mic gain set at 0, any mode, and must be tested when keying the mic at the gate pin of each device.
**EDIT** with the biasing board left in the radio!!!!
I agree with Sonoma about replacing the AM Regulator or its companion part. If one hasn't failed then the other might have.