But we have to becareful because electronics are electronics and sometimes things just happen a channel kit installed and then radio off frequency mostlikely tech error. A tune up then 2 days later the frequency display goes crazy most likely not techs fault. So there is a thin line between coincidence and Golden screwdriver mad at work. I have done some blaming myself when I fist got into this but after doing my own mods and seeing things happen and I knew i never touched that or it had nothing to do with what I did made me realize that yes THIS IS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF ELECTRONICS. Its like the time I had a radio all realligned and got home tested it at 100% then put it away a friend came about 1 year later to me for a nice sideband radio for cheap and i pulle dit out of the closet handed it to him we went out to hook it up and dead it was. Now do I say the guy that tuned it is at fault?? I dont but some do or would have so theres that thin line. Thats why I wont throw stones at anyone unless I see the work they did and the gobbs of solder and bare wires along with the hack job give me the right to start throwing. And remember we all make mistakes rather a computer tech painter welder mechanic roofer or whatever it may be so we have to give some slack but as long as its taken care of without the extra fees and such and its not a pepeated process its simply and accident.