Oh, ok, that makes sense...
I don't wanna hit the amp real hard.
You had mentioned earlier about the 1973 Pre-driver, which I happen to agree with you 100% that the upgrade (really a backwards compatibility issue) is a necessity - especially when using a Radio for Free-banding.
The 1906 - in itself - works fine for in-band use - and yes drive is not there as many would like to have what they use a Galaxy for, it's modulation (amongst other features). But that is the price that's paid for even being able to sell the radio.
They are not telling you - you can't do it, they just can't sell the radio with it in due to the emissions issues with such a radio design.
If you notice, the older boards used an Idealized design platform.
Doesn't mean you'll get it to do that which you think it will, but it's closer than "Best Guess" methods.
Now in converting the older platform designs (all those holes and parts layouts) and yet still work, they compensate the effort with a different approach - working from the Back to the Front - because of the changes in the parts supply chain, they did this; but had to change that - to get this to work - approach.
So they had the basics, they needed to work and have it produce like their older cousins, only now they had to
optimize that which they had, using available methods and parts.
So, when you see this...
But have only this...
As your template...
The design is still there, only buried in modifications to make the newer design fit (OPTIMIZED to) what the older IDEALIZED design did for a long time.
So when I mentioned the mods, there are what they are to offset the shortcomings of the newer designs inherited flaws from their design the originally had completed. It' was not perfect but it did the job. Now, they need something to work, so they took what they knew, and OPTIMIZED for the root layout.
It's why I posted those mods, you have all you need in front of you - just put in it a configuration that reverts Biasing and parts back to an original design but remember you are using newer parts in this very same layout.