Ok I figured out what the deal is. The fine clarifier is RX only. The coarse clarifier is TX and RX. So my question is, how do you adjust the tx when the rx can be changed on a different knob?
This is a throwback from the older Galaxy import days, the RX and TX source is removed, and both the Fine and Coarse are tied together IN SERIES - Fine feeds into Coarse - so they work as one unit thru the PLL 8V Constant feed line.
In doing the above mod, the drift; because of the physical - composition - the drift becomes too excessive for some.
So to be honest - this was one of many reasons why they switched to single - not multi ganged clarifier types.
On a side note, it does over 40w peak on AM. Only a little over 20w on SSB. This is with an ALC adjustment on SSB, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference in power. The biggest difference is what I hear on my monitor radio.
Another question is this:
Is it worth adjusting the SSB transmit cans? Or should I leave well enough alone. It seems that the SSB power should be close to AM peak?
There's still more work to do inside - dealing with Limiter and AVC.
There are three "controlling" systems that monitor the 4558 output - one is fixed. The other two are ALC, and AMC - both look at outputs from the other stages and act upon the Limiter AT THE SAME time AVC is - so when in AM mode ,you have two working the limiter - in SSB still have two working the limiter...
AVC is this...
Older but still locatable in your Galaxy...
CB Tricks had all of this stuff discussed a long time ago...
In some ways, it's how we discovered this circuit.
Because of the issues around it...
Another view from a Galaxy 44 - AVC same circuit...
Have to be careful though - DISABLING AVC will TRASH talkback - it will distort the audio ...
So how do you properly "correct" it?
Change R172 to a higher value See R177/R178? Locate C131 - piggyback a 560 ohm resistor across this cap to decrease effect AVC does - too low - it can damage the 4558 as well as talkback - so don't go too far.
Also at R172 you can use a variable, to trim current going into the circuit - then sub a fixed value - you have to monitor your talkback as you do this - too little AVC control you get distorted talkback. Once done you can sub in that fixed value and keep your talkback.
I'll try to dig up the tying of Coarse and Fine together in a later post...