Stockpile of Unfinished Ford Super Duty Pickups Missing Chips Is Now Visible from Space (
FORD having their issues also
FORD having their issues also
Well said Andy, it’s so true!Gee, what about those that love what they do, so they never really have to work a day in their career?
"If you do what you love, you never work a Day in your life!"
City.allit was is substandard cheep chicom crap.lots was broke before it even got here,tossed in containers any way they could pack it in
Weird times we're in, much doesn’t make much sense.The normal C29 seems to be out of stock in lots of places. Cobra's own website only has the pink and NW versions in stock.
Thanks. I don't actually need one. I was thinking of just burning up some Cabela's points and noticed the C29 is gone off their site. (it was just drop shipped from Cobra anyways). Then I checked Amazon and RightChannelRadios and noticed they are gone there too. And then I see its mostly out on google's shopping tool. That made me think of this thread.
This place has them, I've purchased from them before and received good service.
It's hard for American companies to pay workers $20 hr when Chinese companies pay their workers $20 a month. The economics is broken and the people who make the decisions want to keep it this way.
my boss on the farm gave me a very generous raise,didnt see that coming at me. but i sometimes work long hard hours n stay till the jobs finishedAmericans have been living outside their means for decades.
You might get that raise to $20 but your hours will be cut in half. Careful what you wish for.
Stockpile of Unfinished Ford Super Duty Pickups Missing Chips Is Now Visible from Space (
FORD having their issues also
buy a discounted factory second pickupAt last count here in Ft Wayne there are over 48,000 trucks stacked up in several areas of the city. Deer are running into the sides of them, mice chewing wires, converters being cut off, and people stealing parts from under the hood. Who wants to buy a new 2021 anyone?
You warned us. Its too late now to get anything from China by boat. Ship by AIR if you want it.... I'd pull the trigger sooner rather than later. I know I picked up three things I've been wanting for a while and now I'm set.
What will this mean for China's production capacity?