Enough concrete to counteract wind loads. I have 2 1/2 cu. yrds of concrete that my 31' tower with an additional 7' mast and antenna array totaling 53' in height. It's overkill but it held up in Hurricane Floyd and numerous T-storms. I think that my tower may have the capacity to extend the tower an additional 20'. All of the weight is straight down unless it exoeriences side loading. There are websites that you can go on and find out what size footing is needed as well as on this forum. Footing shape is crucial too. I delivered concrete to cell tower footings. Cell towers have a wide footprint in order to counteract wind load forces acting on cell towers. And average cell tower footing may have over 132,000 lbs. of concrete.
Safety ,safety,safety. You got to think about what if you built a shoddy erected tower and if it were to fall on someone.
2 1/2 cubic yards is WAAAY overkill for a guyed tower. Half that is a bit of an overkill.