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Yeah its turned off, touch it
May 9, 2011
Recently I went ahead and got into gmrs. I’m already in cb and ham so he’ll why it right? Come to find out, we have several linked repeaters in Arkansas. One guy has 3 simulcast repeaters set up locally covering a pretty big section of the state.

Best I can tell, the repeater owners are hams who got tired of other hams. Hahaha. But seriously its gone the path ham should’ve and could’ve. I was shocked at the network. And a little impressed.

They are a bunch of linked ham repeaters. The main difference is with ham if you want longer range you can up the power or move to different bands. With GMRS just like CB its limited to low power and one band.
They are a bunch of linked ham repeaters. The main difference is with ham if you want longer range you can up the power or move to different bands. With GMRS just like CB its limited to low power and one band.
Not here. Salty old men want the repeater empty. Repeater traffic here is a joke and almost non existent.
I recently got my GMRS license too, but I have not bought a radio yet. I do have a business band radio that is type certified for part 90 and 95 but I still need to find it buried in a shed. Looking forward to giving it a try.
These gmrs guys kill me. They were on the linked repeater system and guy 1 told guy 2 that he was coming in loud and clear. Guy 2 said “yeah we must be having real good conditions with the rain that came through”. He sounded serious.

Uh it’s a repeater man
I hear it all the time on the ham repeaters as well. The problem comes in when we have nothing but appliance operators and not hobbyists.
I hear it all the time on the ham repeaters as well. The problem comes in when we have nothing but appliance operators and not hobbyists.
Boy you hit the nail on the head there.
I'm no expert by any means but we have several General class guys and a couple Extras around me that blow me away. The lack of common sense radio knowledge is sad at times.
I recently joined a GMRS group on FB and one of the group rules is no sharing repeater tones, not even your own, in the group. That says it all about the average GMRS user. Apparently, the GMRS community doesn't know that every radio keying the repeater is transmitting this top secret information and anyone can receive it. So, what does that mean? Are they all a bunch of rude ch6 drop-outs that have no respect for someone elses repeater? The average user must be a real POS if everyone keeps their repeaters closed. I won't know for sure for a few weeks when my stacked yagi jumps out of eznec and into reality. Hoping to be up and running by the time the snow flies here.
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