Sometimes I do.
I have tried a lot of different antennas. I love making them, and get a big kick out of successfully using something I have made.
To name a few, Vector 4000, Sigma 4, Astroplane, monoband and multiband EFHW, 5/8^, Ringo, dipole, sleeved dipole, Jpole, Merlin, and more. Mobiles, yagis, Quad loops and beams, EDZ, Moxons, random wire end fed, chicken wire ground plane, 1/4^ GP, fan dipole and more un-named experimental types and not tired of doing it, yet. So... all of them work. Most of them about the same as the others in their types/classes. There are reasons to choose one over another sometimes, and other times it doesn't really matter.
I have had tons of fun, and learned along the way, and still learning. One of the things I've learned is one person's experience may differ from the others using exactly the same equipment but in a different place.
For instance, Marconi has the luxury of some of the most conductive soil on earth short of being on the ocean. I have soil about 1/6 as conductive as he does, not to mention I live in the Ozarks and he on the coastal plains of Texas. We don't get the same mileage from the same antenna.
All of that said, it boils down to which antenna I like the most, which one makes me smile the most, and what factors into building that smile.