Not the one I remember. IIRC it had several shots of the M42 firing like mad and a couple shots were viewed from the front off side a bit.
Probably this one. Notice the gun on the left isn't firing then the right one isn't (slow loaders couldn't keep up). They also shoot down an RCAT. We were told to stay away from it and only fire at the target it pulled. At times, they had a pilot in an F6 Intruder pull a banner that could register hits. When the F6 was used, each track had an officer or NCO stand on the engine compartment or at the rear of the Duster with a kill switch. If any of the tracers started getting near the plane they would hit the kill switch and chew your ass out. Supposedly, the pilot was a civilian and made a lot of money, is what we were told anyways.
M42 Duster 40mm Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun - YouTube