I finished testing my homemade 11m 1/4 wave vertical dipole this morning and had a qso with a operator in Wyoming. He said I was coming in loud/strong. I had the base 30' off the ground.If you want local, 9' to 43'.
If you want DX, ground mount it, or go to 52'.
Can't tell you about all around. Mine is at 44', but no real DX conditions right now. Worked out from 300 to 1300 miles. Nothing internationally.
Works fine locally.
I'm thinking of replacing my homemade 5/8 wave vertical dipole with it.
My research/testing had told me that the
1/4 wave vertical dipole will work better due to it's high angle radiation pattern at a distance.
The 5/8 wave vertical dipole is good for low angle radiation pattern towards the horizon. Alot of operator's that use to use the Starduster's back in the 1970's loved them because they could hear thing's that 5/8 wave antenna's couldn't. The last 2 day's I experienced this especially today when tuning around the band and not hearing any dx.
I then asked for a radio check on 27.185mHz am and a mobile operator came back to me from Wyoming said that I had a booming signal coming into his mobile. When solar cycle 25 starts to pick up I will switch back to my homemade 5/8 wave vertical dipole.
Living in the desert valley surrounded by mountains my homemade 11m 1/4 wave dipole antenna is better antenna for my area.
HomerBB why did you decide to go with a 1/4 wave?