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Ground mounted cb vertical antenna

A lot of people are quick to admonish this antenna design, citing antenna theory. I hold an Amateur Extra license and have a good understanding of antenna theory. Or, since the word "theory" gives some purists heartburn, I'll say antenna "fact".

These antennas do not go against antenna fact. There's no magic here. Simply put, they have more going for them than against them. That's all.

Is it a dipole or a ground plane with a single radial? There's no right answer. If a dipole, naysayers scream, "Where's your balun? Where's your balun? Where's your 1:1 balun?!" I don't use baluns on my dipoles. Never have. There are millions of dipoles in use performing majestically without baluns. Can "RF in the shack" occur without one? Sure. But that's not always the case. And rarely to the extent of being a problem.

If it's a ground plane, naysayers scream, "Where's your grounding? Where's your grounding? You don't have it attached to an 8-ft ground stake!" I don't ground my ground planes. Never have, be it a Radio Shack GP, Astro Plane, CLR2, A99 or Gainmaster. Adverse effects noticed? Zero.

With both designs, naysayers scream, "Your coax is radiating! Your coax is radiating! Your coax is part of your antenna!" So? I couldn't care less.

Do these antennas provide gain? Absolutely not. Same as dipoles. But they will get you on the air in fine fashion at low cost and effort. So attach a vertical of some sort 103" in length and connect it to a wire of approximately 105". Mount it a few feet off the ground or at a height of just 6" with the wire radial lying directly on the ground. Doesn't matter. Trim the wire for lowest SWR and you are done. Get on the air and have fun. It's that easy, everybody. I guarantee you'll be surprised at the performance. :giggle:
Wouldn’t you in reality be building an ocfd to some degree then?
Wouldn’t you in reality be building an ocfd to some degree then?
nfsus, I believe the feedpoint on ocf dipoles is typically 1/3 from one end. My antenna’s feedpoint is basically at the halfway point from the end of the vertical to the end of the wire.
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I mentioned this all before. I am still using the Bob's CB RV mount. Only about 15 feet in the air off the side of the shed with EMT conduit and a 4X4. Two 7 foot Firstik for a 1/4 wave bent Dipole. Bottom leg at 30 Degrees. Being working fine. Not a big stick. Cheap, been holding up to storms. I can talk on local SSB net Sunday night with the old guys when conditions are clear. Washington, PA to Butler, PA. Some skip, Channel 19 to I-70 and I-79 no issues. I had used 9 foot whips. I had viewed the article on Firstiks website about the 7 footers. Bob's CB keeps them in stock. I get a little quieter performance with the Firestiks. TY all.
I mentioned this all before. I am still using the Bob's CB RV mount. Only about 15 feet in the air off the side of the shed with EMT conduit and a 4X4. Two 7 foot Firstik for a 1/4 wave bent Dipole. Bottom leg at 30 Degrees. Being working fine. Not a big stick. Cheap, been holding up to storms. I can talk on local SSB net Sunday night with the old guys when conditions are clear. Washington, PA to Butler, PA. Some skip, Channel 19 to I-70 and I-79 no issues. I had used 9 foot whips. I had viewed the article on Firstiks website about the 7 footers. Bob's CB keeps them in stock. I get a little quieter performance with the Firestiks. TY all.
Two questions. Is there a ground mounted. 10/11 meter vertical? I have a btv5 that I can’t stand for various reasons. And 2, if there is, how’s it preform
Just use the bottom section of tube of your Hustler 5BTV on it's mounting base and you'll have a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna for 10/11m depending on how you adjust the length.

You'll need to put down some radials as someone posted earlier and connect them to the bracket of the 5BTV.

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