Thought I'd post some pics of a Magnum Deltaforce I picked up. It all started when I found the radio doing a 1 watt swing to 10 on low, 4 watt swing to 15 on high, and 30 w. on SSB. Went to open it up to bump up the AM modulation a bit, and here's what I saw.
I have no idea who did this, other than it was probably a truck stop CB shop. I can't even find anything on what mods these are. Perhaps someone here knows?
Here's my personal favorite:
Nice solder job....
Bleedover mod? For the Dosy meter to show "tham thar BEEEEG watts"....? LOL
Another shot of my favorite mod....I don't think even CB tricks shows this one....
Iron must've been a little hot that day....but R239 looks removed.....
Let's see....what happens when you undo one leg of the C137 cap, resolder it elsewhere, then snip R163 and solder it to the IC chip?
Underside of the board where the big blue cap is.....notice the big blob of solder...
More madness.....
Wait....not done yet....
And one more.....
Hopefully your eyes are not bleeding now....perhaps someone can please shed some light on what these mods are supposed to be?
I have no idea who did this, other than it was probably a truck stop CB shop. I can't even find anything on what mods these are. Perhaps someone here knows?
Here's my personal favorite:
Nice solder job....
Bleedover mod? For the Dosy meter to show "tham thar BEEEEG watts"....? LOL
Another shot of my favorite mod....I don't think even CB tricks shows this one....
Iron must've been a little hot that day....but R239 looks removed.....
Let's see....what happens when you undo one leg of the C137 cap, resolder it elsewhere, then snip R163 and solder it to the IC chip?
Underside of the board where the big blue cap is.....notice the big blob of solder...
More madness.....
Wait....not done yet....
And one more.....
Hopefully your eyes are not bleeding now....perhaps someone can please shed some light on what these mods are supposed to be?