Shockwave, the antennas were NOT firing off the ends, not even a couple degrees in the direction of my test station, that's why I set them at that position.
Off the ends +/-3Db, but perpendicular to the plane of elements there is zero phase interaction. I've built enough repeaters to have already found this true, whereas simultaneously driven antennas cancel off the ends ~20dB but show +3dB gain in the perpendicular direction / off the sides.
This is no secret.
Originally Posted by
So much for answering my question about your "Conjugate match" BS.
Oh, sorry pal, but my numbers are correct and work 'spot on'.
But lets go ahead and use your super-corrected ultra accurate superior mathematical formulas, just for grits-n-shins...
OK, I guess the 22' 4" Sigma 5/8 is resonant for...
wait for it...
wait for it...
28.9mHz! - Yeah, THERE YA GO! Wow, what a genius!
- More like a spin king.
But I really liked this one of yours best:
jazzsinger said:
i don't doubt your penetrator works well,i do doubt it is because its .64 wave though.
Oh, but OF COURSE, it works so well NOT because it is what it is.
Now why didn't I think of that? You're such a genius!
your numbers are far from correct,and i'm sure you'd find conjugate matching BS,because you probably can't get your head round rereflection.
i've provided the maths,why don't you double check it and prove me wrong,or will you just take a highly innacurate mfj or some other shitty antenna analysers word for it?
i'm sure if i'm wrong guys like shockwave/bob 85 will disprove my maths.
What, trust an MFJ 259B to read correctly, naw, they make them to read as far off as possible, and I'm certain that when it shows X=0 it absolutely must,
HAS TO BE, wrong. Why? - Because
YOU say so, of course.
I'm so laughing at myself, red faced but finding it ironic that I reverse calculate the velocity factor in a post attacking his math, and no one even realizes it!!
I've owned, rebuilt and assembled enough 5/8 & .64 omnis to know there's nearly ZERO difference in their (respective) radiator length, especially when setting for X= 0.
If the MACO were just another 5/8 then why is it down at least a full S-unit in comparison to a real 5/8 or .625? - This has been found to be true over and over again.
Anyway, Jazz, yes your math still stinks.
22' 4.5" - That's the Sigma 5/8 radiator length,
Divided by .95 (Your
alleged 'aluminium' velocity factor,
slower than balanced line, but hey... ) brings us a radiator now 'electrically' 282.63" making it resonant on
(11803 ÷ 282.63 = 26.1)
Gee, only
1.1mHz below center of band, 27.2mHz where it was designed to work. Oh what the heck, what's a meg or two between meters...
Right, sure, absolutely where I'd design an antenna for CB...
- NOT.
OK, now let's look at the I-10K.
212" + "V7" (top piece of radiator element length found in I-10K chart provided with antenna) of 44.25" for 27.2mHz at X= 0 both on my mast and according to the chart given with the I-10K, plus the 12" top hat, for a total length for this completely
different matching network 5/8 antenna of:
212"+44.25"+12" =
...amazing how those two completely
different matching networks can have exactly the same length radiator (within .25") on two completely different 5/8 'type' antennas with such
different matching networks which have
different matching networks needing so very different radiator lengths with such
different matching networks nauseum.
Hey jazzsinger, "Who'd uh thought, eh?"
- Mind boggling, you'd think they would be totally different lengths due to such
"Different matching networks" and the I-10K being of course so much more efficient and all...
Silly me thinking a 5/8 is a 5/8.
I guess all I can do is measure.
Yeah, they just HAVE to be so different physically, it's only the "Electrical length that matters" so there certainly can be no antenna which measures correctly, (taking the K factor into account of course) nope, they all HAVE to be like really really way too long or really really way too short to work as the same 5/8 with these extremely
different matching networks, yup, uh huh, you bet!
FYI Jazzsinger, the reason I tried out the 5/8 I-10K was with the hope their claims of other-worldly incredible efficiency had merit.
And don't even begin to try to say you haven't read the same claims and links to claims that we have all seen and read stating, '...Several S-units better than my old 5/8 - Penetrator' and the like...
Leave it to someone like you to spin it into something it never was, or have you already forgotten what you wrote:
I do truly dig the Penetrator 500 BECAUSE it holds it's own to this day, not because I imagined it, and Jazzsinger, I was truly hoping the I-10K would trounce the Penetrator, that would mean I would have found a way to get BETTER performance. Saying I'm only being nostalgic is ridiculous. That's discounting everything I've measured in favor of some ancient aluminum-love affair.
jazzsinger said:
what really surprises me is you have so much faith in .64 antennas yet you truly hoped a 5/8 wave trounced it,hmmm,do i detect contradiction/lack of faith of your own belief.
nostalgia very often over rules common sense.
I already understand how/why people of your ilk tend toward such argumentative spin attacks, I grew up with one.
Oh, and what about your ad hominem attacks on 1342 and me, someone I've never even had PM correspondence with... my ".64 Pal" huh?
Yeah, I'm sure the hordes and throngs of your faithful followers (in your mind)
are awaiting your next fallacious declaration "with great eagerness".
- I notice your signature contains a
high-reading BS meter at the bottom of
your posts
.Excellent placement!
...Freudian, no doubt.