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Ham vs CB

Man left to himself...

Actually,if you believe this,there is certain value assigned to mankind. In my opinion it's not what mankind does that determines his value. A man can choose to wear a dirt smeared shirt or a clean shirt. Ask yourself this,what is man's moral compass?
Food for thought.
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On the VHF/UHF bands depending on your area there are a fair number of people on the radio.There is a good number of repeaters in my area and some of them are pretty busy,others are pretty quiet depending on the time of the day.

There are the regular people that get on a certain frequency or repeater and chat away the day,some are morning people and some are evening people

HF bands I find people pretty well 24/7 depending on the time of the day and the band,since some bands are active during the day and some are active at night...this is where I spend most of my time when on the radio. There are a few people that I hear on a regular basis when the bands are open and do talk to them when mother nature allows me to make the contact

For me personally I made the choice to go to ham radio because I was seeing CB starting to lean towards people using poor operating practices ...ie: misstuned radio or running insane amounts of power, cussing,interfering with others conversations,noise toys,just to mention a few.....Now I do still find people on the ham radio bands that will chew out a person for whatever reason, cause interference ,but on the bands I run this does not happen very often .....so for me the choice was easy...personally I run a very basic station at home,a 2 meter radio ( 75 watts of power,and a groundplane antenna) and my HF radio( 100 watts of power with a basic dipole antenna ) and I make plenty of contacts...and have met some great people on the air ,not to mention just simply have alot of fun trying to make contacts all over the world or around my general area

I will say there are good and bad operators in both CB and ham radio, but for me personally I found ham radio to be more fun and I have alot more things that I can get into as far as types of comms to do,amateur TV,digital modes,bouncing a signal off the moon..aka moon bounce... just to name a few...I have even made a couple of contacts to the international space station...

As I said in the other thread you have going take your time and do your homework.....

...oh yea,you have found a good place to ask all the questions you can come up with.the people here have a wealth of information they are more than happy to share that is based on their personal experiences ...not alot of hype....what you might find out may not be what you want to hear but it is what you will need to hear for the subject in question...

and once again welcome to the board !!

HAMMER0630 I was just wondering when CB was proper and followed the rules?
When I started in the early eighties the FCC had just stopped requiring for people to be licensed to operate on 11 meters. Everyone usually kept a low profile. The big guns would have shoot outs every once in a while and then lay low. One big gun,when he would use his 7000 watt linear he would co-channel the entire band for 20+ miles out. The SSBanders would still chew you out and threaten to report you if you got on their channels using am. There wasn't this blatant disregard for the FCC and others as it is today. I tried my first and only amplifier which lasted a few moments and went up in smoke. Secondhand junk amp. But we did have fun as there were more CB'ers than you could shake a stick at. Not this scarce smattering of operators I have in my area today.
I had a friend a few years back that was a ham and a CB'er. He told me amateur radio was like going to church, and CB was like going to a bar. Now that I have my ticket, I've realized that (for the most part) he was right. (y)

You'll definitely find some great operators on 11 meter SSB. And a lot of them are hams.

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I remember back in the older days at the height of 11 ssb when operators there were a lot like what you have on ham. Most of then played on AM for a while then moved to the less noise and more "behaved" users on ssb. I remember the check-in nets on 40LSB, the old Little Rascals Group and others. I think the last five years I was involved with 11 meters I never moved the mode switch to the AM position.

I would come back to 11 meters if it had something to offer, around here SSB is dead and as I have said in the past most of the AM guys are only interested in over-driven audio and how far the watt meter can go over. The only ssb traffic I hear is when the band is open and then it's only on 38lsb.
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Like going to a 'bar' or 'church'? I like that one! 'Course, that just means he hasn't found those 'church basement' hang-outs that are around, maybe... :)

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