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Hand Held CB's

The Handhelds I have seen would be hard pressed running 4 watts for any length of time anyway. Just about zero heatsink for the output and not much air space around the bits and pieces inside.
Then again, you guys do see 10 times more kit over there than we ever saw in OZ...
Hand Helds CB

I also use an old GE CB help radio not the newer digital junk but the older ones that works just as well as the Midland if not better.You can pick these up on Ebay for $20.00 brand new. Either one only takes a minute to hook up to the LIL WILL and cigar lighter, not fancy rigs but they work well. I think he said he only wants hear / talk to local truck traffic.
Hand Held CB

I agree they do need an external antenna,the antenna that comes with the G E HELP RADIO works but not that well but hook either of these radios GE or Midland to a LIL WIL or similer MAG MOUNT antenna and they work really good not as pretty as a reguler CB but I think they work just as well. There is a small capaciter you can change on the GE HELP radios that makes the Mic alot louder. The best Model of this radio is the # 3-5900. There are a couple of these on ebay right now.
avcat said:
Looking for information on who makes the best hand held CB
or the one that is most liked by users. :D


I'd pass on anything manufactured in the last 20years or so and pick an older model to use off ebay. It'll be like holding a metal brick in your hand, but you'll have an antenna that will be in the 3-4 foot length (much better for getting out). All of these are AM and you be able to pick one up for under $30.

There were only 2 am/ssb walkie-talkies (that I know of) marketed in the US: The Cherokee, with a tiny rubber duck antenna and it's various clones under different names, and going back to around 1970, Midland's 3 channel am/ssb walkie-talkie.

Almost all walkie-talkies have a jack for an external microphone, speaker, and antenna.
Hand Held CBs

I agree the older stuff was built to last, not as fancy as the newer stuff but worked really well although there was some junk to back then.
SKIRK55 The Midland 75-822 is a nice little radio IMO.I use it in my car and it transmits and recieves well but it does pick up little backround noise. No noise canceling ciscuit I guess and you have to play with the squelch to get it just right. :D
I have a Midland 75-785 with the rubber duck antenna. It uses 9 AA Batteries AKA 8-10 dollars. The only time i could hear anybody was if they where within 300 feet or when i held it out the window. I also pick up a lot of engine static.
Re: Hand Held CB

scout943 said:
I agree they do need an external antenna,the antenna that comes with the G E HELP RADIO works but not that well but hook either of these radios GE or Midland to a LIL WIL or similer MAG MOUNT antenna and they work really good not as pretty as a reguler CB but I think they work just as well. There is a small capaciter you can change on the GE HELP radios that makes the Mic alot louder. The best Model of this radio is the # 3-5900. There are a couple of these on ebay right now.

Hey I ran one of those once when I was a teenager in the 90's. The skip was open in the summer of 96 while I was in Baja Mexico.

I put the mag mount on an air conditioning box outside and with a good adaptor fired it up. I did the impossible.

I made contact Mexico-BC Canada (a friend of mine I had waiting by his radio up here) on 4 watts. Both stations. And AM

We were walked over immediatly by yahoos in Cali


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