Just did some more reading, the F region can be used to reflect high HF low VHF freqs at the solar maximums and during the day. Which means yes, if someone in South America has their ant at the right take off angle, they could in theory get several thousand km out of their CB. High HF and VHF operate principle on LOS and Direct wave propagation, which tells me that unless you have your ant horizontally polarized and using NVIS to communicate, you really shouldn't have a problem with interference from other skywaves. A Vertically polarized ant with a very low take off angle should be fine for LOS comms. Also thermal ducting is possible with high HF and low VHF, I stand corrected.
daytime, some times at night, horizontal antenna, vertical antenna, it doesn't matter 11 meter skip goes on every day, we are at the solar peak in 2013. I don't know why you keep saying the cb band it to high of freq for these conditions,, 10 pm here now and I can here NewZealand on CB RADIO